--> Spell your name without vowels: brk
--> What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: Oct. 6th
--> How many pairs of jeans do you own?: Well las time a counted, 23. but i know i've boughten some since then. so i'm gonna go with 25?
--> How many are designer?: designer jeans are for rich people who hate themselves.
--> What color do you wear most?: i honestly could not say. maybe gray. i like gray.
--> Least favorite color?: stomach acid color
--> Last song heard on the radio?: live your life. by t.i. i had a ride take me to school ok!
--> What's for dinner tonite?: some stolen fries from my tables food, if i can risk it.
--> Are you happy with your life right now?: confused mostly.
--> Tell me a secret about one of your siblings: trent hates playing the piano. oh wait, that's not a secret!
--> Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: uma thurman. mostly when i had black hair with straight across bangs, but uma thurman none the less.
--> Who did you last call on your cell phone?: Jamie! we were solidifying plans for the weekend.
--> Do you own a..
- PS2?: no.
- XBOX 360?: my family does?
- PSP?: no.
- SIDEKICK?: no way jose! i have to text in class, i can't be luggin that thing around.
- DIGITAL CAMERA?: no. but i asked for one for christmas. it just wasn't meant to be.
--> Do you shop at stores like Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, or Aeropostale?: i would rather shoot myself in the face.
--> How do you make money?: i'm a server. sometimes i can talk mom into splitting things half and half with me, i'm gonna count that. mom's a hard woman to crack.
--> Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: my application fee to PSU was exactly 50. other than that, my water filter plus new filters i guess.
--> Are you missing someone right now?: my nephews. and my niece. and all my family in Puddletown.
--> Finish this sentence. I wish: i had money for school.
--> One word to describe you: awesome?
--> Favorite pair of shoes: my vans. the white ones. i wear those to work, and last night they totally ripped up the front. saddest moment of my life.
-->Who is the first person in your Blog Links List?: Alyssa Findlay.
--> What would you rather be doing right now?: eating. i'm starving! barbie lunches are just not cutting it mother.
--> What should you be doing right now?: my dumb homework.
--> Have you kissed your significant other lately?: relationships are for suckers. until i meet someone really, really hot i will continue to think so.
--> Last IM you recieved?: screw IMing
--> Last text message you recieved? from erik, about lunch.
--> Who did you hug today?: my mom. i think my dad. big red, constantly.
--> What are you going to do now?: my dumb homework.
I am so glad I have found someone who shares my opinion on Hollister, American Eagle, and Abercrombie!!! I seriously despise those stores. Plus, all their clothes look exactly the same. Yuck! Also, I'm glad to be the first one on your blog list! lol
Yeah, IMing is for losers, who have friends. Just tell Alyssa to join our family already by the way. I think stomach acid is like yellowish brown right? We have the same least favorite color!!!!!!!!
Why do you hate Harrison? I want you to miss him too. After next week, you'll be so enamoured of Harrison, you'll forget you even have other nephews!!
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