Tuesday, March 31, 2009

adventures with mom

mother enlisted my help with making cookies for trent's eagle project tonight. i obliged and she assigned me some weird chocolate cookies. i dived into the project and within a half hour i was done. i looked at the recepie and it projected about 4 dozen cookies, i scoffed and said 4 dozen?? try 2. AT MOST. and then i went on my jolly way downstairs. i'd made a dastardly mistake as it turns out, i left big red upstairs. i went back up to retrieve him and i noticed two little brown balls of chocolate cookie dough. i said, mom? did you mess with my....and then i noticed the suspiciously smaller cookie lumps on the sheet. mother laughed and laughed and i informed her i was never going to make cookies with her again as i obviously couldn't do it right the first time. she turned around and i promptly attacked her blonde brownies with my only weapon, my two index fingers. she turned back around and i said i'll be downstairs if you need me! as i trotted away, i hear mom saying who put all these holes in this? it looks ridiculous! i said xena! and ran the rest of the way down the stairs.


Matt "Hacksaw" said...

Now that you've conquered maturity you're ready to move out on your own!

Conni said...
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Conni said...

That's right Brooke, hit her right where it hurts...in the cookie nose!

I mean, how could you do something like that to your poor, innocent, sweet mother?? :)