Thursday, November 6, 2008

just listen, no talking necessary.

i know everyone is getting sick of my joe stories, but this one might win the cake. Unfortunately i had to work on halloween, and i went as betty boop. now granted, i didn't look exactly like her but people kept asking me over and over again who i was! so i adapted a little system where i would lift my skirt (just a little, i swear) revealing a garter and do the boo boo be do in the high voice and everything. well i was helping a to go customer, and he said is it 89? it's 89 right. obviously he was referring to my costume. i giggled and said no...and and performed my little bit. i was met with a blank stare, until the guy said no it's 89 dollars, right? i was so embarrassed i had to have someone else finish the order.


Tracy said...

hee hee hee! I totally laughed out loud. Your embarrassment was worth it!

Matt "Hacksaw" said...

I like thinking of your cheeks turning bright red just like Betty's. Nothin funnier than an embarrassed Brooker.

Anonymous said...

that is too funny. Hooray for Harrison's being so self-absorbed they think everything is about them. holla.

randi and joey said...

ha ha ha oh i love that i was there! i rememner, and i laughed along with you :-) your too funny!