Thursday, April 30, 2009

the food eaters dilemma

it has come to my attention that it is not just lunch workers who give me free food. it is the general populace. a girl i know stopped me in the parking lot of my school and asked if i wanted to try some dip and bread from her work. she was currently eating it. i willingly tried some and by the end of our conversation she said, you can have the rest! half the dip and half the bread still remained. i asked her if she was sure, and she energetically replied that she was. as i type this i am eating the stuff. and it's good...should i not have taken it? also, another lunch time at my school i took an expedition to a friend's house and ended up with a mostly full box of corn pops. it lasted me for days. when i returned to the said house maybe a week later, a new box of corn pops had replaced the one i had received from my friend. apparently her parents weren't as keen on the "give brooke a whole box of cereal" as their daughter was.

1 comment:

Matt "Hacksaw" said...

Maybe it is because we are skinny. I had a kid in my section give me one of those grandma's cookies the other day and like a month a go some girl I did not even know gave me a sandwich in the hall. I think it is my sunken eye sockets, what is your excuse?