Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One Up!

Lately i've started playing Super Mario Brothers again. I can't help it, it drags me in! Anyway there is this one fortress outside of the forest that i cannot pass. But the main reason for this blog is a conversation i had at work about SuperNintendo. I mentioned the level i couldn't pass to my coworkers-as it is a main point of stress to me in my life right now-and then i happened to mention that i had also started playing Ultimate Street Fighting and the hostess starts freaking out about how she used to play that game all the time. The dialog ensuing was the both of us practically yelling about our favorite characters and moves and subsequently demonstrating them. Our manager was not to be left out and quickly whipped out his cell phone, which had a version of Ultimate Street Fighting on it.
i love my job.


angie said...

I love mario! I am currently a few stars away from mastering Mario Galaxy on the Wii. You should try that next!!

randi and joey said...

ya, we rock at joe morleys