Friday, January 8, 2010

I make every job fun!

i'm all grown up, with a real job and everything!
but don't worry, this job can't change who i am, i wouldn't let it!
case in point:
i was hurry hurrying to work, in the rain.
the little red hand was flashing: stop. stop. stop.
i had a small debate in my hand.
i continued across the street.
i was about 1/3 the way across the street,
the heel of my shoe got stuck in between two bricks
my momentum (i was practically running) propelled my foot out of the shoe
and onto the cold, wet street, at LEAST two steps.
i screamed: ahh! i lost my shoe! and turned around to pry it out of the ground.
bear in mind that i wasn't even supposed to be crossing the street!
cars were laughing at me, blatantly.


Matt "Hacksaw" said...

I hope you learned you jay-walking lesson. By the way, I think you mean that you make most jobs fun, because I had a survey job where the best you could do was just not want to kill yourself after your shift. No chance for fun at all. I think your new job will be great though Brookie.

Sofia D. Hoiland said...

This is so funny and vivid imagery, well done!

mom said...

i don't know about the job,but you make me happy...

Anonymous said...
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Conni said...

You've had some strange things happen to you. I'll put this one down as a modern Cinderella experience.