Sunday, July 26, 2009

old, new. borrowed, blue--or just a lot of new things

moving out is hard, so to help myself cope i've gotten some new things. are you even ready for this?

The Jag. I cried tears when I got this baby-and I do not cry.

Jack "the piglet" White. Even though he died on me the VERY FIRST DAY I GOT HIM, 200 dollars and some stress wrinkles later, he got me all the way to Portland!

Speaking of which, Portland. My new city.

Someone has to help pay rent.

Our new apartment. It's like living in fairyland, only better, because I'm the fairy.

AlumiBuddy. Oh, little AlumiBuddy.

It was a good deal!

The Memoir.

Wait for it....

Oh, it's an 8mp camera too. It's not a big deal.


Jamie said...

Someone to pay the rent? Is that all I am to you?
But its true. Sometimes I am actually THAT scary!

renée said...

cool, i really liked alumibuddy. mrs moneybags.

renée said...

Now that you have so many new things, you probably won't have time for your ol' brother. Love you sister.

Jennilyn Proulx said...

Looks like Joes paid off for you! I really wanted to get down there before you left...this saddens me that I slacked off too long! Well good luck out there! Have the time of your life!

Kim, Byron H & M said...

Wow, your new life is certainly treating you well! We can't wait to come see it all in person!

Kami said...

Whoa! Look at you and all your new purchases! Sounds like you're off to a good start. I hope Portland is treating you well. Good luck with school!